Check this out! It's so cool! I was messing around on Google maps just now, checking running route distances, etc., and discovered that the picture of our house has a picture of me in it! It was from last summer when we were starting the pergola project, and I was staining all the wood in our driveway. Okay, so if you click on the link below and then double click on the "C" destination (our house) and then in the top right hand corner, click on street view. You kind of have to click and drag the frame around so you can see our house full-on, and you can click the full-screen option, you get a sweet ol' view of yours truly hard at work in the garage! Isn't that awesome? But the street-view tool that Google offers is pretty sweet too, if you click on the arrows, you can virtually drive down the street and check out your neighborhood online! Maybe you all knew this already and I'm a little slow when it comes to techno savvy stuff (I know, I know, not quite worthy to be in the GGF club...).,+Boise,+ID+83709&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=43.548334,-116.291174&sspn=0.005482,0.009613&ie=UTF8&ll=43.550251,-116.290884&spn=0.005482,0.01369&t=h&z=17
Said 18.0
6 years ago
you are famous!!
that is soooooo awesome--i had no idea you could do that street view thing--CRAZY!
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